Friday, May 14, 2010

"High-end English food" coming to Avenue A

I'm starting to take a closer look at some of Monday night's CB3/SLA liquor license items... So there's a transfer in the works at the Al Diwan space on 13th Street and Avenue A....

-- Percy's (Steelbar 180 Inc), 210-212 Ave A (trans/op) (Al Diwan)

I'm told that Percy's will serve “high-end English food” (!) ... and, allegedly, operate as a restaurant first and foremost, though they do plan to stay open until 3 or 4 a.m.

Previously on EV Grieve:
"Another noisy bar" slated for Avenue A; actually, make that several noisy bars, perhaps

There has been a lot of discussion on the post... be sure to read Jill's epic comment... that, in part, reads...

The bottom line is that a successful neighborhood, where ADULTS want to live, is about BALANCE. These busybodies would like to see DIVERSE businesses that cater to the community, not only to tourists. Places we would support on a regular basis, like butchers, fishmongers, grocery stores, shoemakers, tailors, laundromats, clothing stores, book shops and all types of small businesses that are disappearing.


  1. Epic is right, did you know there is a character limit in comments? I had to cut it in about half. Communist Google impeding my right to free speech :)

  2. gee never heard of high end restaurants saying open til 4AM

    can someone explain this to me?

  3. Anything is better than Al-Diwan! I live upstairs and they are horrible. The owners were evan arrested once for getting into a fight right on the sidewalk!


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