Friday, May 14, 2010

On a clear day, you can see...

The other day, I spelled EV Heave from his watch over the new Cooper Union academic building from the other Cooper Union building...

I've never been up here before, so I took a moment to enjoy the view of the East Village from this vantage....


  1. cool vantage point.

    so, did EV heave or no?

  2. Ha! Oddly enough EV Heave is scared of heights. So he was queasy.

  3. Those pictures are really beautiful!

  4. Thanks, Cheese. I has quite pleased to be able to get up here... I particularly like the shot looking at Seventh Street... and the one of TSP in the distance.

  5. All cool shots - I love the last one, the clock photo!

  6. Grieve,

    I'm not afraid of heights. You are.


  7. Thanks for posting these wonderful photos of your trip to Dubai!

  8. This post makes me want to brag on behalf of someone else's child. A friend's daughter who lives right here in Mackerelville was just accepted into Cooper Union, and as much as we all like the documented vomiting, let's not forget that it is FREE. She will live in that dorm and be able to come home for dinner and laundry without even having to buy a token. And it frees up some cash for her parents to not spend the next four years eating cat food. Pretty cool.


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