Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The HorseBox now open on Avenue A

Near 14th Street...

And, at least based on the sign, sports will be featured...

Uh, giddyup?


  1. Agreed BB. Is it supposed to sound like "whore's box?" Because advertising Xbox should really make that dream come true.

  2. The accompanying photo really ought to be the window display that is currently up on Suffolk & Stanton...cuz that's what first popped into my mind when I saw the name of this place and it ain't good.

  3. I suppose naming a bar after a vehicle for transporting horses is less offensive than, say, the 13th Step!

  4. yikes - another sports bar??? god save the east village from these cultureless hoardes.. i'm sure it will be a whores box.. what do horses have to do with the east village anyway? good lord.

  5. If you have not been to this awesome bar, then don't make comments. Do you even know the meaning behind the Horsebox? My guess is no! So STOP bad mouthing until you know what the hell you are all talking about!!!!
    This bar is fun, has a great atmosphere, & the guys behind the bar rock!!


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