Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ninth Street and First Avenue shocker: Motel ... Hello?

The other day Matt Rosen from Neighborhoodr was walking by the long-dormant building at First Avenue and Ninth Street as workers were finishing up and closing the gate. And the conversation went like this:

I asked if they knew what was going in.


Uh, OK. Motel?

Hmm. Anyway, Curbed reported on April 30 that the city issued a permit for interior renovations on the four-story, 31-unit building. No word on what, exactly, the renovations were for. (As EV Grieve reader HippieChick has pointed out, the total cost of the renovations were estimated at $30,000 on the work permit. Which won't go very far...)

So here's my rendering for a motel here... Not real original, but...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Blockbuster: 147 First Ave. set for demolition

[Motel Hell image via. Bates Motel image via. Top photo via EV Grieve reader Steph.]


  1. I walked by there yesterday and it looked like they took everything out of the 1st floor and a revovation was going on..

  2. What we need is a Japanese capsule hotel.

  3. Looks like scaffolding is going up right now. It's coming down at PS122 only to pop up across the street. Will this scaffolding be up for 10 years too?

  4. It wouldn't surprise me if they found a dried up granny corpse in the root cellar.

  5. You know, I'd kind of dig a Bates Motel on the corner...it's gotta be better than the disgusting pigeon roost and rat ranch that that building turned into...I could have people stay there.

    But it would be a pretty small damn motel: judging by the outside configuration, there don't look to have been more than three or four apartments to a floor.
    And I don't recall ever having seen it in a residential state. Or if I did, it was too long ago for my poor stoned brain to recall.

    They're pounding away even as I write...

  6. Have you seen that Comfort Inn on Ludlow Street yet?

  7. No, I don't think so. Is it teensy?

  8. It looks shockingly out of place...like it needs to be next to an airport off the Interstate somewhere...

    A Curbed reader said that it "looks like a third-world hospital" inside.


  9. The Union Square Inn has rooms the size of small tiny studio apartments, and they aren't really renovated, kind of like ... well ... apartments. No elevator either which is kind of like ... apartments. I think it's an interesting idea. But $30,000 doesn't sound like it will get them very far, unless the owners will be doing all the work themselves. Home Depot here they come.


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