I received a note the other day from an EV Grieve reader who has had enough with seeing unattended dogs tied up around the neighborhood (and other parts of the city) ... The resident, who also works in the East Village, has dogs of his or her own... and, well, here's some background:
"My biggest pet peeve is people who tie their dogs up to fire hydrants, parking meters, lamp posts and such. While they do their shopping, dining, drinking -- what have you. They think they are 'multitasking' but in reality they are subjecting their beloved family pets to thievery, abuse and death."
So the resident started a blog dedicated to tied-up pups... appropriately titled Dogs Tied Up NYC. (There's also a Facebook page.)
"From here on out I will be taking photos of dogs that I see tied up. And I will sit and wait until their owners show up. And they will be riddled with questions as to why they left their family pet tied up unattended. They will not have a legit answer, cause there is NO excuse."
[I took the top photo outside Cotto Cafe on Avenue C and Eighth Street earlier this summer.]
PLEASE approach me about my family pet being tied up. PLEASE. I will consider this an act of aggression and react accordingly.
Fanatics suck joy from the world. Zealots suck joy from the world.
How about this. You don't tie your dog up and the rest of us won't give a shit.
DO not impose your idiotic ideas on others.
Wow. That was my comment almost verbatim. I can't wait until this busybody psycho has the nerve to question me while I run inside for a coffee to go. I am SO SICK or people believing that they have the right to instruct other adults in how to live and what to do with their lives or their pets. I guarantee a double-barreled blast of indignation will be this person's reward.
I wonder if your reader minds if I tie my dog up for 30 seconds while I go in a bodega for some milk? (I consider it a bit rude to bring my dog into most stores, even if they allow it.) Two minutes is usually the limit for me; more than that and I start to worry about thievery, abuse, and death.
Not making excuses, because there is NO excuse. But I'm living in fear now. Can he or she write up some rules so I know how to avoid blog-wrath?
They're probably one of those people with a overbred toy breed that is carried around all day in a fake LV purse and cant relate to with normal sized dog owners who comply with DOH regulations set upon local businesses.
Some people have way too much time on their hands or their lives are so empty that they have to share some of their misery.
Also tying up your dog helps curb their separation anxiety.
I'm a crazy cat lady so I have no dog in this fight (heh heh see what I did there), I just want to say that the pup in the picture here is very beautiful.
I took the photo of the dog a few weeks ago... thought the dog was a beauty too... and that bone! The dog did not appreciate me interrupting for a photo!
Cool - i'm gonna go around and see how many dogs I can steal.
now the horses at central park who are forced to drag 1000 lbs of fat midwestern ignorance around, that should be outlawed.
You people are unbelievable!! Someone actually has the sheer brass to finally say something to you unthinking jerks who abuse your animals (Yes, I said abuse) and you explode in indignity... Do you really think you are doing your animals a favor by leaving them tied up alone in the hot sun?!? Would you do that to your child?!? Animals are living, breathing, thinking creatures with feelings! They do not deserve your cruelty!! I applaud this blog and their dedication to fighting the good fight! If you have somewhere to go where the animal can't, then leave the pooch at home where it is safe and comfortable.
The only abuse here is that the dog has no shade, and no water. Obviously not interested in the bone, but it's not abuse to leave him tied up while you run into a shop for a couple of minutes.
My dog would rather be left outside a shop for 2 mins than left at home on her own for two hours, she prefers the company, even when we have errands to run.
I too have worried about dogs that had "the look" - like they were used to waiting interminably for The Master to return. But most times their Person comes back soon enough, is cool and knows the dogs idiosyncrasies and is equally devoted.
Honestly have to applaud this Concerned Reader for his/her attentiveness to THE POSSIBILITY that our animal friends are in dire straights. Here's hoping Concerned Reader finds more love than he/she can believe right now. Hoping.
I am going to start my own blog of weirdos taking pictures of dogs and harassing owners. The world doesnt need anymore creeps!
Seriously, get these guys a job doing something meaningful, anything! Instead of wasting your time taking pictures why dont you go around and pick up trash, or volunteer, or scrub the piss off of telephone booths. A lot to do people, this is not on the top of my priority of the East Village.
Someone tied their dog up in the vestibule of the Duane Reade on B the other day. It was really hard to get into the store because there was a huge dog in the way. I'm not comfortable with dogs at all so I didn't really know what to do, but kinda squeezed around him eventually after a guy distracted it.
I do worry about dogs left out for long periods of time though. I volunteered at an animal rescue in college and kinda wondered how many of the fighting-ring dogs they put down used to be someone's beloved pet. They all came from somewhere. Most people I knew at the time were infinitely more careful with their bikes than their dogs.
My dog is little, so I'll usually carry her into a store when I need to stop in for something. I have tied her up outside though, when the store's owner told me "no dogs." No I didn't make a stink about "animal abuse," and I'm back to tend to her ASAP. I'm not a fucktard and I don't need no-it-all's with too much time on their hands lecturing me.
If you take a picture of my dog, I'll stab you in the neck and let my little beastie feast on your open wound. Go back to Portland and lecture all you want. Piss off and get a life.
Get the fuck away from my dogs OK!
AGREED! I did it once when I was a teenager, tied up my (then) still puppyish fawn pitbull to a pole outside of the supermarket on 5th & C, only to come outside to find some dickwad TRYING TO STEAL MY DOG.
Needless to say, I learned my lesson, and apparently she was screaming bloody murder the whole time I was in there even tho it was only 5 minutes. Never did it again.
So, listen you pissed off yuppie assholes: if you want to go to brunch, leave your dog at home instead of tying it up to the tree outside of 7A where the trunk is so thick the damn dog barely has enough slack to lay down. Yeah, you. I was petting your dog last Wednesday, and I could have very easily taken her because you had your head up your ass.
If I was a thug ass drug dealer or dog fighter (yes, those still exist in the area, in those big brick buildings that line Ave D called PROJECTS) I could have easily dog napped your "beloved family pet" that you so lovingly left outside while you ate your overpriced eggs and used her for fight bait.
That's not taking your dog out while you're running errands for company, that is treating a member of your family as an object.
AND BEFORE YOU START LECTURING ME TO GO BACK TO PORTLAND, I WAS BORN AND RAISED ON THE LES, so fuck you and go home to the 'burbs where you belong.
Just use some common sense and realise that your dog doesn't want to be left tied up outside anymore than you want to wait in line at the post office.
To Snuggle Bunny: Beat it, douche.
The black door on the ground gets VERY hot during the summer. I once saw a dog sitting on this outside dunkin donuts and his feet were obviously very hot because he kept raising his paws off the ground trying to get off of it. I went inside to get the owner and he realized that he messed up badly..He felt pretty awful
People that tie their dogs up on the streets are BIGGER DOUCHEBAGS than the B&T'rs that come to the East Village to 'party till they puke'.
You know you are a pathetic loser when strangers care more about your pet than you do. So pull your head out of your ass, and stop whining about outsiders who ruin "your" neighborhood, when you yourself are nothing but a piece of crap who can't even take care of your own animal. Get your priorities straight, Douche!
What's up with these douchebag dog owners who tie their dogs up outside while they run errands or drink coffee? It's so wrong. You're leaving your dog out there to be victimized or stolen. The cops really should ticket for this and the animals should be taken away from repeat offenders. These idiots thing they live in the 'burbs or something.
My puppy loves to be tied up outside, provided I am gone for 5 minutes and she is in a clear area that has shelter from wind, sun and rain. She also loves to sit with me and friends at cafes. She simply loves to be out and about, meeting new people. Positive socialization is essential for a dog to have a happy and fulfilling life, so why would anyone chastise this?
Perhaps these people have never owned a pet, because then they would know that some dogs (despite being very well loved, happy and fulfilled) will manipulate passersby with sad eyes. I had one such dog and would leave him for 5 minutes to find on return that he'd been fed, watered and hugged. What if my dog had allergies, or had a weak stomach? You wouldn't go up to a kid and offer them food, drink or hugs when they are waiting for their parents. So why do some people think you can feed, water and hug a dog without the owners approval?
People have no right to interfere in situations when a dog has shelter and is obviously calm and happy. Yes, I've been abused by people as well, and not surprisingly all these people have been either bombed out on drugs, or suffering from dementia. All you can really do in these situations is not to let it ruffle you. Is your dog happy, sheltered and loved? If so ignore these people.
Wow, this post has some heat! No middle ground at all. I don’t own a dog but I do love em. And if a dog is tied up outside waiting for his owner and looks friendly, I will go over and give him a pet. Big ‘Dog Whisperer’ fan. Remember, exercise, discipline and affection. In that order. I use the same technique with my wife. Gotta go, here she comes with the bat!
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