Friday, June 4, 2010

Stop the rooftop noise

Anyone else spot these "stop the rooftop noise stickers"?

Apparently atop 84 E. 10th St. here...


  1. People in my building have been complaining about a whining machinery noise coming from somewhere back there for some time now (a year plus), but they've been frustrated at not being able to pinpoint or stop it. (I've never heard it.)

  2. I suggest that they hoist a pirate flag.

  3. Too ironic. By the way, I found a new theory on that here.

  4. is it the strokes playing a reunion gig for wiz kid?

  5. We get that whining machinery noise at the NW corner of 9th and 2nd ave too. I think it's just par for the course.

  6. I have complained to 311 about that same noise, it started over an year ago, but when the DEP guys came, they could not do a thing about it, as apparently I need to pinpoint the source of the noise for them to go and do their survey.
    I am in 10St and Ave C.
    Do you know with certainty; where is the whining high pitched noise is coming from?
    From my rooftop it seems to be coming from the vicinity of 10th an Ave.B
    but according with your blog, it is more to the west.
    Please, any insight will be highly appreciated.


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