Thursday, July 15, 2010

2 Cooper Square is growing up right before our eyes!

Oh, it just seems like yesterday over on Fourth Street and the Bowery...

But construction has been going on, for what, 14 months now?

Anyway! Another day, another milestone! We have more 2 Cooper branding and what may be the main doors!

...and the claw thingee that will one day provide shelter to those hitting their 20K apartments...

...though it's not an entrance for construction workers...

...oh, and temporary sidewalks!

Race you to the pool!


  1. Such an ugly ugly building. Why doesn't NY deserve better buildings?

  2. at least it's not glass and steel. i am not entirely bothered by the more classic design they used.

  3. Think I agree with Anon 12:07
    Definitely not beautiful; but could have been so much worse.


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