Friday, July 16, 2010

East Fifth Street is turning into a Ghost Town ... or Goat's Town (with a $75 entree!)

Hey, meet Sophie's new neighbor! One more item from last night's CB3/SLA space...  courtesy of Thomas Garry's reporting at Eater.

The committee said OK to an eatery for the former Le Tableau/Seymour Burton/Butcher Bay space .... tentatively titled Ghost Town.

Hmmm... if that name holds up, then I can't wait to walk by when the place is empty and say, Ghost Town is a ghost town now!

[Waiting to get booed]

Uh, anyway, Ghost Town?! The way I like it!


[UPDATE]: Grub Street has more details. And GS says the name of the joint will be Goat's Town! Not Ghost Town. Hmm. Nick Morgenstern of the General Greene in Brooklyn is behind the place. "He plans to open an eleven-table restaurant called Goat's Town in late October that will serve "continental" cuisine, and there’ll be at least one $75 entrée, as a board member pointed out to assuage one neighbor's fears that the place would attract a loud and rowdy crowd."

So, maybe a selection from Goats Head Soup is in order?


  1. Will they serve Goats Head Soup?

  2. and that stones is killing too. So, EV< did you get the Exile reissue? Just got the CD....vinyl is appealing...

  3. Hi Ken. No, I'd like to pick it up one of these days. I'd like the vinyl too.


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