Ah, the early slogan... "Be a part of New York's next Meatpacking District!" (Not to mention "Square was never so cool.")

And the party was at the B Bar... very neighborly!

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to figure out the symbolism of the accompanying artwork...Hmm, a form-fitting dress, a come-hither look. Hey, is she trying to seduce potential renters?!
But seriously, at first glance, I thought she might be holding a 2 Cooper Square cake...
The Attack of the 600 foot Woman.
Subliminal seduction? "Served Up" Packing meat. Waitress in tight red dress. Who are they "catering" to anyway? I personally like the are for the "edge" I see on cable "hardcore" living. Advertiseing is the new Porn.
Someone needs to photoshop her throwing that thing off a bridge, a gaggle of smurfs cheering in the background...
Why Can't Cooper Square just be Cooper Square? If this is the new Meatpacking District, the tone is all wrong; the dress is all wrong. This is terrible advertising. Argh!
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