Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Today's sign of the apocalypse

"Introducing The Hopsicle Experience, a frozen can of beer, sliced in half and served like a Push Pop for big kids," now at Diablo Royale Este on Avenue A near 10th Street. (Source — who else? UrbanDaddy!)


  1. I saw Diablo's owner last night at Black Iron Burger & busted his chops about this monstrosity... He was totally unapologetic. Once again, Urban Daddy serving up extra helpings of uselessness!

  2. Boy those can edges are sharp !

  3. yet another ingenious way to serve alcohol to kids. gross in a few different ways.

  4. wherever you run into the "owner" he is still a scumbag.
    Expect Jason to run his car into a bridge abutment. He'll understand that he sold his little soul.

  5. This is just - wrong. On SO many levels.

  6. if my prostate could stand it, I'd chug this like 1999

  7. wow. this is truly disgusting.

  8. Ugh, gross. I hope Diablo has stocked up on first aid kits.

  9. Oh yea, because restaurants haven't been serving strawberry daiquiris and pina coladas to kids for decades. It's ok though, because they're served "virgin". It must also have been my imagination

    You guys should boycot the Food Network too, since it had a segment on Giada De Laurentiis teaching you how to make watermelon-flavored vodka-induced ice pops. Oh wait - and they've even posted the recipe online:

    Hate on Diablo Royale all you want, but this has been going on for decades (candy cigarettes anyone?), and I for one, am thinking of making a frozen beer pop this weekend. Sounds great!

  10. Also - you guys should be ecstatic about something like this - it'll prolong the amount of time it takes someone to consume a can of beer, meaning less drunk people on the streets woo-wooing.

  11. Yes, I so want to lacerate my lips and tongue with this thing...


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