Per our report yesterday, hundreds of NYU students lined Avenue A and 10th Street. Police arrived and issued summonses to the bar/restaurant. You can read all that here.
Yesterday, residents received a flyer from Diablo Royale apologizing for the event. (Click to enlarge.)

In part, it reads:
"We were trying to ingratiate ourselves with our NYU neighbors by holding a supposed intimate gathering for a section of the graduate Department as part of a welcome back/orientation.
Unfortunately, our contact duped us, and not only did he invite one specific graduate section from NYU, but other sections as well, hence a supposed party of 75 morphed into something much greater."
And later!
"We pride ourselves on being a restaurant that caters to a mature audience, and by no means has our paradigm shifted."
This was just the second communication that nearby residents said that they ever received from the establishment. The first arrived upon their opening in May, in which Diablo Royale Este is described as a "neighborhood friendly, family establishment."

Meanwhile, after four months, several residents said that they are still waiting to find this "neighborhood friendly, family establishment."

Previously on EV Grieve:
Avenue A transformed into fraternity-sorority party for Diablo Royale Este's 'Boats 'N Hoes' bash
Curious. They hired a doorman to keep control of an "intimate gathering" of 75? Smells like they knew in advance that this thing would be big. I don't buy the whole "gosh, we were duped" thing. Try a bit more honesty and sincerity with the next mea culpa.
as Fran L says in Jeremiah's post today, it's all rich kids with rich parents. Let's party and pewk! Somebody lives here? No way!
These kids looked much much younger than graduate students.
"We were trying to ingratiate ourselves with our NYU neighbors by holding a supposed intimate gathering for a section of the graduate Department"...
by calling it Boats 'N Hoes bash? ingatiate themselves, indeed.
that's grad school at nyu nowadays?
does one get a masters in pimpology or whoreology upon graduation?
FWIW, Boats & Hos is a joke from the movie Stepbrothers.
I could definitely see hiring a doorman for a 75 person party. I've been involved with events that expected 100+ people at the very max and we have 2 people and a bouncer at the door at all times.
Those are most definitely undergrads, not graduate students. They're too young to be grad. students, and they're dressed like undergrads rather than grad students.
Who cares if they got "duped"? Once the sidewalk is teeming with people, you send staff outside to disperse them. Or, if it's really out of control, you just shut it down. But of course, they have no incentive to do that. Much better to keep the money flowing in while the residents bear the burden of the overflow. How about the CB or SLA adopt a new rule for bar owners: import the "primary residence" rule for rent controlled apartments. Bar owners must live in the building where their bar is, maybe even on the floor directly above the bar, and live there at least 183 days a year. Do that, and I'm guessing there'd be a sea change in bar self-regulation.
"We pride ourselves on being a restaurant that caters to a mature audience, and by no means has our paradigm shifted."
I think a slight shift was made when you labeled the party, "Boats 'n' Hoes Bash." Maybe to get a more mature audience you should title the next bash: "Yachts and Prostitutes Ball."
excellent point esquared--"boats and hoes" for graduate students? i sort of always thought grad school was a refuge for more "serious" students, but maybe it's becoming like college, another way to extend childhood for the cognitively challenged.
no place is safe.
When Diablo Royale first opened it was a nightmare for people whose apartments face the back. There's outdoor dining in the backyard ! Residents get to listen to a bunch of screaming idiots in the privacy of their own apartments. According to residence on the block, co-owner Jason Hennings, listened to their concerns and offered to install soundproof windows. When residents rejected this offer he then said that he would fully inclose the backyard, and to give him a couple of weeks. Well its still not enclosed. Renovations for a building on eleventh street actually boxed in Diablo Royales backyard for a good month or so, so its been fairly quiet in the backyard, but now that thats over the backyard dining is wide open and in full force.
According to residents, the truckloads of people and noise are nothing compared to what they had to endure during the renovations for Diablo Royale, which took over two years. The elaborate wood work was manufactured right there on the ground floor and in the backyard. The grating sounds from a wood sanding machine along with unbearable amounts of wood dust filled peoples apartments daily. This was not a quick and gracious month, couple of months project. The noise and debris was incessant for two years and some people just couldn't take it anymore and moved. By the way each piece of wood that was cut and sanded was then blow torched to create a burned look. The fire department was called over a half a dozen times from residents at 165, 167 and 169 avenue A. The blow torching filled three buildings with smoke an various occasions and different people called thinking that their building was on fire. The fire department showed up many times with two trucks. They said there was nothing that they could do and that it was allowable to use a blowtorch as long as the back door was open. You'd think that Mr. Hennings would have put an end to this after the first incident with the fire department, but it continued until the project was over. Apparently Mr. Hennings takes full responsibility for all blowtorching, as he did most of it this himself. The front door was originally finished in the burned wood look but then stained over in a dark brown finish on the day of the opening.
When I was a kid growing up in Brooklyn (late 70's) there was an old Italian lady who would fill up a big pot of water and dump it down onto the street if my friends and I made too much ruckus playing baseball, red rover, army men, etc. It got the job done. Now, I know we aren't in 1978 anymore but the last time I checked people still didn't like to get pots of water dumped on their heads. Just sayin'
'...Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste...'
ahhh - too easy
Who is Morgan Tsvangirai?
Anyways, i agree with what he/she said. It appears that those on the pictures looks younger than graduate students.
Morgan Tsvangirai is a Zimbabwean politico who challenged Robert Mugabe in the recent presidential elections. Whether or not he is the actual poster on the world-famous EV Grieve website is anyone's guess!
Thanks, Lisa. I believe that he has a pied-à-terre on 10th Street. So it probably is him. (Heh)
ya just what this neighborhood wants, more NYU kids stumbling all over the side walk
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