Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Neighbors offer Sin Sin 'an authentic nyc FUHGETTABOUTIT'

Yesterday, word came via a rap music message board that Sin Sin was shutting for good at the end of the month.

Meanwhile, later yesterday, Grub Street reported that the people behind Sin Sin's long-running Soulgasm party at the bar/club on Second Avenue and Fifth Street had a different take. Per the Soulgasm e-mail:

After 5 years of welcoming us into their venue and allowing us to party with no dramatics, Sin Sin has decided to close, re-open and go a different route. Like many venues around the city they too have to keep up with the times and cost of operating here.

This statement has drawn a response from the East Fifth Street Block Association:

"Due to violence associated with the club, The East Fifth Street Block Association asked the ownership of Sin Sin to deal with the issue of programming at a public meeting way back on August 4th, They did not and three weeks later there was a murder on their front steps. Since then there have been other fights at the club warranting police presence. And, even then they did not address the issue. Now they think that, even with blood on their hands, they can simply reprogram one night a week (which is not effective immediately... but THREE WEEKS from now) and perhaps save their business? The East Fifth Street Block Association would like to offer them an authentic nyc FUHGETTABOUTIT. The fact is that they have developed so much ill-will in the community, with elected officials and at the SLA that their days are numbered."

Previously on EV Grieve:
'The neighborhood will not rest until you are gone and Sin Sin’s license is revoked'

NYPD hosting meeting between Sin Sin and neighbors tonight

East Village noise wars new battlefront: Sin Sin/Leopard Lounge

Why the president of the East Fifth Street Block Association carries a baseball bat


  1. LOVE the graphic. So patriotic...a guy and his Uncle Louis.

  2. that was my building, i lived there. my mothers friend ruth owned it. hebrew national deli was on the ground floor. i cant believe they took off the facade on the 1st 2 floors. whats a soulgasm party? was it a rap club?

  3. This club has always been a bad neighbor. Good riddance....

  4. They just closed today! Yes, that place is so ignorant. Sometimes you try to go in, and they ask you which party you're going to, like if anyone can really party in such a small place. And they were overpricing, and had a horrible crowd of children there usually.

    Good riddance indeed.


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