From the EV Grieve inbox...
Hi Friend-
I am in touch with an Australian Ugg Company that has contacted me about doing some blogger seeding. I would love to add your site to the list of bloggers that will be receiving free Uggs. Please respond with your blog URL, I will forward your info along to the company and upon being selected they will send you a link to drop ship the boots. It's that simple, only because we love you so much!
Oh, and by the way, if you're interested, I've got a great deal on a bridge...
Well then. That's the last time you mention Uggs on EVG.
Okay, EV Grieve. I would pay good money to see you walking down Avenue A in a pair of Uggs.
@ Ha! True...
@ Anon 2:23. Hmm, dunno... I'll see how they like with my Bowery hoodie from Blue and Cream.
don't do it grieve!!! it has been scientifically confirmed that uggs cause brain hemorraging
These will look great with your jeggings.
i'm siccing the Crocs publicist on you. ooh, and then CUPCAKE PUBLICISTS.
See if you can score a pair of their slippers. They are super comfy and no one will even know you own them, aside from Mrs. Grieve.
you'll blend along well at little wisco.
Take them and donate them to charity.
you people only wish Tom's would contact you
jeggings! i would pay to see you in Uggs AND jeggings, eating a cupcake and shouting WOO from the open sunroof of a hot-pink Hummer limo.
Well, OK — as long as my photo doesn't end up on some "blog."
what that's surely a scam.
Or a really bad pr agency...
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