Monday, October 4, 2010

That large suitcase left by the Mystery Lot

The site of an oversized suitcase here in front of the Mystery Lot on 13th Street the other day left me a little uneasy....

Considering the grisly discoveries in luggage here in the past. I took a closer look... just a stash of damp, moldy clothes...

Also, during the weekend, someone in need put together a temporary shelter here...

1 comment:

  1. I've been living across the street from the mystery lot for a few months and have seen many piles of items left on this stretch of sidewalk. The shelter has been there for a few days now. What are people's feelings about this?

    On the one hand I believe that everyone needs a place to live and keep their stuff, but much of this is unusable even to someone who is homeless. The guy even lit a fire under his tarp the other day almost causing the whole thing to go up in flames.


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