Tuesday, October 5, 2010

That WOOM.... WOOM... WOOM sound on Seventh Street

A reader reported a jarring sound — "like WOOM... WOOM... WOOM" coming from somewhere on Seventh Street between Avenue B and Avenue C...

Too much tuba from the Zum Schneider Octoberfest house band? Uh. No....

Just a construction working tossing bags of sand or something heavy from the fourth-floor fire escape into the dumpster on the street.


  1. Are those year-round Christmas lights or is someone a little too anxious?

  2. they are also doing this gut rehab without a permit. it'll only be a month or so until the new 20 year old NYU undergrads move into my building and squeal their way through the hallways to the woom woom woom of incredibly loud bass. does anyone know how to report this? i'm tired of it!

  3. from below they appear to be orange halloween lights


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