Thursday, November 4, 2010

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning edition

Sports bar to replace Ruby's on the Coney Island boardwalk (Amusing the Zillion)

No end to the influx of suburbia (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

A discussion on community preservation (Save the Lower East Side!)

Looking at the Payless ShoeSource LES collection (BoweryBoogie)

Union Square market offering booths from Momofuku Milk Bar, among others, this season (Eater)

No "Glory" on the subway for Han Solo (Stupefaction)

Apartment immoralized memorialized by NYU-hating, fruit-tossing Jude Law on the market (Curbed)

Something for EV Heave: The $3.99 Lobster Roll at Song 7.2 (Grub Street)

Opening reception tonight for the I Hate Hating exhibit at the Michael Mut Gallery on Avenue C near Seventh Street.


  1. If Jude Law immoralized that apartment, I hope it was well cleaned. :)

  2. Oh, Pinhead! Ha. That was one hell of a gaffe on my, uh, behalf...


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