Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Get Roasted!: Roastown Coffee is now open

At Second Avenue and St. Mark's Place. Today is the grand opening. If you try it, please drop me a comment...


  1. A little weak and green for my tastes, especially for the price. Definitely better than the chain up the street, but likely costs too much for the dollar coffee crowd, and won't convert anyone from Mud.

  2. If I can get in and out with a coffee in hand in under two minutes, they'll have converted me from Mud.


    Speaking of signs, Mr. Grieve, there is a big one on the window of the former Aces and Eights. The English is not perfect, but it basically was inviting the townsfolk to meet with him tomorrow to discuss his diabolical plans for the future tonight (Wednesday).

  4. Their plain old coffee was tasty, and I got service with a smile. It's a bit bright and midtown-lunch-place-y to expect a lot of people to chill there with books and laptops, but it's great to have a small local alternative to give the Starbucks up Second more competition. With frozen yogurts and salads hopefully they get a crowd and encourage locals to support a new business.

  5. well, just for old times sake - I'd like to puke...
    btw - I make a bitchin coffee - melita drip - half dark half light - - free trade always tastes better - doncha think?

  6. i wuz skeptical cuz their sign lacks style. but inside it look pretty nice. fack it, when i get back into town i will go in and check out my new neighbors.


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