Saturday, November 6, 2010


Second Avenue at St. Mark's Place. Somehow, I still find this confusing.


  1. mta signs, maps, brochures, everything are like treasure hunt clues written by engineers that do not use the system and make imaginery plans for solutions to things that are not a problem till they get involved.
    they have no time to think things through and assume everyone thinks like they do - hence the two contrary thoughts on one sign as if they explained each other.

  2. The only good thing about this sign is it kind of makes you feel like you're high by reading it.

  3. I want to hit someone. Hard.

  4. What the sign is not conveying is that several Limited stops along 2nd Avenue, such as St. Marx and 60th Street, were eliminated when Select Service was introduced and are now only accessible by the Local M15.

  5. What is the rationale for not having an express - oh 'scuse me, "select" stop between 14th Street and Delancey? What genius thought that one up?

  6. Our tax dollars at work, folks....of course, the MTA will need to hike fares again to cover this new "service" that NO ONE asked them for.

    Haven't they heard of "if it ain't broken, don't `fix' it"?

  7. I like the fact that I feel stupid trying to decipher the sign; rereading, reading slooowly, etc.. yet here I am with a graduate degree. Heh.


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