Sunday, November 7, 2010


A shot to end the weekend from Blue Glass... taken on 10th Street...


  1. I love your evgrievery scenery shots so much! :)

  2. Thank you! Seems to be an east time of year to get some nice outdoor shots....Thanks to Blue Glass for getting this photo...

  3. I swear to God I was crossing the street the precise moment this flock was over 10th Street. Did you take this shot around 1:30 yesterday afternoon? Did you happen to notice a petite, brunette lass in a gray cotton trench coat heading north at the moment? :)

  4. i took it around 12:30-12:45
    looking east from 10th & first (west side of 10th)
    i don't notice most of the folks around me because i'm usually looking up or down
    but weren't the birds great, flying in circles, all together, shining in the sun? and didn't it feel refreshing to see them?

  5. ahh - the 7th street birds checking out 'uptown'...


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