Sunday, November 14, 2010

A Sunday morning

A man walking his dog on Houston and Avenue A drops a baggie of puppy poo into the trashcan. Right then, a garbage truck pulls up. Upon seeing this, the sanitation worker yells, "THANK YOU! No really, thank you so much. You cocksucker." A moment passes as the man hurries along. The sanitation worker isn't done. "DICK ASS."


  1. What the hell is the guy supposed to do with it, take it home and make an omelette? Jesus. Sanitation - New York's Wimpiest.

  2. I don't own a dog so pardon my inadequate knowledge of doggy-poop etiquette BUT -- what was the doggy owner supposed to do?

    Take it back into his apartment, drop it into the trash, which would eventually end up in a trash bag on the sidewalk for the asnitation worker to retrieve at a later time?

    Either way it's gonna end up in that sanitation truck, no? Would a few more layers of plastic make it more acceptable?

    Just wondering.

  3. The dog dookie quandary aside, I think I have to add 'Dick Ass' to my vocabulary, awesome!

  4. I agree with the previous comments and am astounded by the amount of harassment this man faced for keeping the sidewalks clean. He could've just left it there for the sanitation worker to step on. This is exactly why I listen to my ipod everywhere I go. Once a woman started bitching to a friend on her cell phone because I said "excuse me."

  5. This member of "New York's Strongest" might have thought that tossing fresh dog shit on top of a full can of trash just as he's pulling up was like throwing it in his face.

    He's a sanitation worker who works with trash, not trash himself.

    Maybe you'd of gotten a different reaction if you'd said "I got some dog shit here can I just toss it in the truck for ya? I know you got enough to deal with."

    90/100 times he will nod, or even take it from you out of respect because you respected him.

    Empathy. Works friggin' wonders.

  6. Did you mean to write the guy dropped the bag of poop into the mailbox? You are focused on the mailbox in this photo. Because why would the sanitation worker call him names for dropping the bag in the trash can?

  7. @ anon 4:23 Ha! True... I was trying to get the truck and trashcan in the shot....and not so well...

  8. its a bag of of dog shit! IN A BAG its not like he held the dog over the trash can and let it bare crap into the thing, i'm sure a sanitation worker has seen far worse.

    give me a break

    after almost breaking my back to avoid stepping on piles of dog poop in the east village I would like to thank this man for doing the right thing!

  9. I would have taken it out of the trash and smeared it on the guys windscreen. THEN he'd have to come up with some even more charming superlatives for me! Dickwad!

  10. It's all about timing, and EVG's description certainly makes the situation sound benign. Perhaps there were extenuating details.

    What I think we can all agree is far, far worse are the countless dog owners that allow their male dogs to PISS directly onto trash bags that sanitation workers will later have to pick up with their hands--usually while looking away pretending not to notice. Bonus damnation points when the truck is just up the block, ensuring a fresh coat. Fuck those people.

  11. Someday soon, (within our lifetimes?) the piss and shit of pets on public property will become a public nuisance. Just like four loco, smoking, salt, and talking on the phone while driving. And then buildings that accept pets will have designated dog shit areas, hopefully its own front stoop or courtyard. I hope that happens next week.


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