We based the survey on one sentence regarding Tompkins Square Park in the Times from Sunday that read ... "The echoes of demonstrators yelling “Die, Yuppie Scum” may be very faint these days, but there is no Shake Shack ... yet."
So, as of 6:06 am, here are the results, based on 364 votes (two of which I admit were mine — I was pulling for the jeans!):

We're calling it official, though because this is America, final results of the election won't likely be known for another 2-3 months. So keep voting!
i demand a recount! there's only a 3% discrepancy between the first and second place vote getter. i'll take this to the supreme court if i have to .
You'll have to take it up with the publisher, Esquared... oh, wait....
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