Tuesday, January 4, 2011

After battling two blazes this morning, Ladder 11 back in service

Members of FDNY’s Engine 28 and Ladder 11 — the two fire companies quartered at 222 E. Second St. — helped battle the two two-alarm fires early this morning. The companies were briefly Out Of Service from these fires to clean tools and gear, as well as to wait for firefighters to replace the members of E-28 and L-11 who were injured at the Sixth Street fire.

As of 10:30 a.m., Ladder 11 is back in service.

Moving forward, we'll have information on local fire company activities, including when they are closed for periods of time.


  1. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date.

  2. These firefighting guys are fucking heroes.

  3. I agree with Anon: 11:09. Cheers to Ladder 11!

  4. this is why you can't cut the fire budgets and close houses. hats off to the heroes of the FDNY!


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