Tuesday, January 4, 2011

After the fire on Second Avenue and East Fourth Street

Here's a shot via Organizing the Soup from outside East Village Farms this morning around 9:15.

As reported earlier, a major fire struck the corner building here on Second Avenue and East Fourth Street.

Here are reports via NY1 ... and Gothamist.


  1. Ugh, damn, this is sad. I liked this deli and hope they're able to recover and re-open.

  2. Goggla, this is indeed sad. It's a great little store. But its not a deli!!! (I have had this conversation with my girlfriend several times).

  3. Sorry, Anon, I wasn't even thinking when I posted. I've always called this place "dead man deli" because years ago, there was a body lying in the doorway and people were climbing over him to get in and out. No one seemed really concerned...then the cops showed up and poked him with their toes and they didn't seem too concerned either. The whole scene was surreal and I've just used that term for the place ever since.

    I really do hope everyone in the building is ok. The experience must have been terrifying.

  4. i hope shuman is ok!!!


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