Friday, January 14, 2011

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[From a reader, Wednesday morning]

NYU cleaning up its oil spill on Bleecker Street (The Villager)

After 25 5 years, East River Park renovations nearly complete (The Villager)

Check out the The Bookshelf Porn blog (BoingBoing)

The 10 Best NYC Restaurants of the Last 200 years or so (Fork in the Road)

A Night of Country Guitar at Jalopy Theater with East River String Band and guests (Slum Goddess)

At Marica Resnick's Bad Boys exhibit (Stupefaction)

What's next for the Joe Jr's space (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

Melanie's two-year anniversary! (East Village Corner)

LES Jewels back from the hospital (Nadie Se Conoce)

I've always liked Desmond's Tavern (Eater)

Another chance to see "On the Bowery" (BoweryBoogie)

Finally! Tiffany and Debbie Gibson in concert together (Nonetheless)

Spend the weekend with Indiana Jones (The Lo-Down)

And I rather always liked Broadcast... and was sorry to hear their lead singer Trish Keenan died. She was only 42.


  1. you sure take some nice pictures

  2. Thanks, Blue Glass... I didn't actually take that photo... came from a reader!


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