Wednesday, January 5, 2011


"It's just like a real like nice like kind of like luxury building, which is kind of hard like in this area. It's not like ... there's not like a lot of them, anyway." 2 Cooper Square resident discussing life in the luxury high-rise on the Bowery, from The Local East Village via Curbed


  1. Like, yeah, like.

    God. Why are dolts like this inflicted upon us? Why can't they stay where they came from?

  2. is there like a brain, like inside this person's like head??

  3. like, wow, man. It's, like, welcome to the, like, neighborhood, you know?

  4. OMG! WTF? Like, can you tell me where the nearest Tampon Hut is? NITM! FML!

    Flip flop, flip flop.

  5. face it we r all jealous not just becuz of the kewl luxury digs but also you wish you were that blissfully unaware of what's around you. Chick sounds like she doesn't have a care in the world.

    As long as she's just the one blowing the guy who pays the mortgage then ok it doesn't bother me. On the other hand if she herself is somehow earning that kind of salary, then yeah I am furious.

  6. more importantly - was she hot?

  7. Why didn't the person who heard this mug him/her?

  8. just make sure your POODLE is on a leash Like Woofie was like a nice dog like you know

  9. Because that's what New York is all about: pool parties. I know that was my biggest incentive to move here. The first girl actually looks wasted in her photograph.

    The guy in the expensive trench coat says they've done "a decent job trying t...o keep some kind of continuity with the neighborhood." I suppose he's right in that 2 Cooper Square is just one of several similarly soulless glass condos along the Bowery inhabited by affluent morons like himself.

    These dolts choose to live on the most obnoxious stretch on the East Side and then complain about the noise. The best part is the sign which reads "Entrance on West 4th Street". I guess ignorance really is bliss.


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