Thursday, January 20, 2011

The former Paul's Boutique burns down on the Lower East Side

A little outside our usual coverage area... However, several readers sent word of a fire on the Lower East Side... Per a tweet by @winedanddined:

"Wow...the Three Monkeys at Ludlow and Rivington on Lower East Side just burned down."

[Photo via @winedanddined]

This corner was once Paul's Boutique, made famous by the Beastie Boys. (BoweryBoogie has more on that here.)

According to DNAinfo: "The fire department received a call about a fire in the first floor of the restaurant at 99 Rivington St. about 8:11 p.m. The fire was put out by 8:46 p.m., FDNY said."

There weren't any reported injuries.

[Via @hwmk]

Interestingly enough, BoweryBoogie noted just last week how some residents were unhappy with the noise coming from Three Monkeys at night...

[Via @john_swaggerdap]


  1. What the hell is up with all these fires?

  2. Whoa, I walked past this place tonight on my way home, must have been just before the fire started. Freaky. Hope the residents of the building are safe and sound.

  3. Was this the only fire last night? I went out around 8:20 after hearing a lot of sirens and could faintly smell smoke in breeze, but couldn't tell where it was coming from. As I walked north on A a firetruck was racing south, in the direction of this fire, faster than I'd ever seen a firetruck drive in the city.

  4. @Ryan

    Shawn Chittle said he saw fire trucks zip by 11th and A... and I had the reader photos about the smoking manhole (sorry) on Eighth Street and C that brought out 4 trucks.

  5. Anyone know what was going on in Stuytown around 6PM yesterday. There were several fire trucks, ambulances & poilice cars around the oval.


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