Thursday, January 13, 2011

Seeing double on St. Mark's Place: There are now two 2 Bros

As we first reported on Jan. 3, Totale Pizza on St. Mark's Place near Second Avenue closed... the owners also run the successful 2 Bros a few doors away...

Well, the former Totale space is now another 2 Bros...

Meanwhile, the other location on the block remains open...

Previously on EV Grieve:
Upscale slices for the former Totale space?


  1. This is my hell. Athiests, you are wrong. God hath fury.

  2. That four bros.
    Check my math on that.

  3. It's crap pizza. Patsy's on University rules! All slab lab EV suggestions welcome...

  4. everything is going in the wrong direction far as im concerned. dark times people.

  5. Totale sucked. For a self-proclaimed "upscale pie", it was slop on a board. Not that the cheapo slices are any better, mind you...

  6. Sad. Totale was a step in the right direction: quality over quantity. Good for the taste buds, and the waistline.

  7. The new 2 Bros. Pizza has a "Plus" on the sign. What exactly is "plus" about it? Certainly customers will become plus-sized if they frequent both establishments.

  8. Ugh, I was dreading this would happen. CB3 can worry about liquor licenses all they want, I would gladly rather hand one over to another frat bar than I would have to endure yet another stretch of sidewalk clogged by punk teens begging for pizza money.

  9. Looks like the new 2 bros is a bit more upscale for when you are feeling fancy or have a date. LOL.

  10. I walked by today--and noticed they have a list of many various toppings for a slice in the newer 2 Bros. and the special slices are $1.50..they were still getting things together over there when I walked by.

  11. Will this throw the delicate pizza/falafel eco-system out of whack?


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