Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Coming soon to Seventh Street: coffee and ice cream

The city issued permits last week for the former City Copies on Seventh Street just east of Second Avenue. We've been curious what might be going in here... Workers on the scene told an EV Grieve reader that the storefront will soon be home to "coffee and ice cream."


  1. because what the EV really needs is more coffee and ice cream. it's as if the people of this neighborhood have nothing else to do except sit back and consume sweets and stimulants.

    that must mean we're at the highpoint of our civilization.

  2. Any word on that bagel place that was suppose to open up by TSP?

  3. better than: Booze & DJ's.

  4. Wastin' away again in Diabetesville.

  5. Sounds great....much better than the useless copy shop, with the incredibly rude staff.

    Now, about the coffee shop: Please, no disposable cups and plasticware inside the shop. Let's serve coffee as it should be, in ceramic with real silverware. The taste is better, the aesthetic experience is better, and the environment benefits.

  6. Isn't this next-door to an existing coffee/dessert shop?

  7. Enough! We do not need another coffee or ice cream place in the East Village.

  8. We need a proper doughnut place.

  9. I hope they limit their menu to coffee ice cream.

  10. @Jill

    They will need a full liquor license, though. For pairings, natch.

  11. I wanna godamn cupcake!

  12. Where's Mr. "Maybe a hardware store or a fishmonger instead"?

    Seriously, all of the "we don't need another XYZ in the EV" crowd is free to open whatever business they'd like and can get funding for - if you think the EV needs ABCD instead of XYZ then just go for it.


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