Friday, February 4, 2011

[Updated] Second East Village outpost of Nicky's opens on East Fourth Street

As this photo from EV Grieve reader Hanser shows, it appears that Nicky's has a new location... here on Fourth Street between Avenue A and Avenue B...

And we've heard about it already from a commenter:

Anonymous said...
PLEASE HELP PLEASE HELP, I've just noticed a venue on E 4TH between A and B. Blasting music, Lady Gage, etc., loud people on phones, "Woo"'s from inside. Is this a special night or did some club just open up? It is SO LOUD. My building is on THIRD street and faces the back and I hear this hell and feel sick inside.

Do you know what this is? I can't make out the sign, it seems to be a red light up sign.


  1. OH nice, so it was just an opening party or something?
    Well that's certainly a relief. It was like China1 over there seriously. Surprised that they had such a "woo" crowd...

    Thanks for the masterful insight!

  2. twitter: "Nicky's Pho soft opening party TONIGHT 2/4/11 at 6pm-? 213 E. 4th St. btwn A & B, NYC (212)253-6300! Food, wine & karaoke BRING FRIENDS!"

    Yeah...real soft. Vomit.

  3. yeah, let's rip this place down just like everything else on this blog.

  4. The behavior of it last night was pure garbage - not ripping down the place. If it was just their opening party and those are the dorks who went, all good and I will love to eat there.

  5. I like Nicky's on 2nd. It's a pretty mellow place. Watching The Simpsons on DVD is as rowdy as it gets.

  6. anonymous - yeah, let's rip this place down just like everything else on this blog.

    ao where do you come from and why did you came here?

  7. 213 East 4th Street does not have a license to seel alcohol per the SLA website. Call 311 & have the NYPD issue a violation. If they apply later on it will make it very difficult if a violation is on the books.

  8. the first commenter was probably thinking of something else. its on the north side of the street across from the church so doubt they would have heard anything too loud...

    and pho! who doesn't love that!

  9. You people need to chill and let them do their thing, it's a soft opening and they were having a good time. If you don't like move out of the neighborhood.

  10. Hello. I wrote an angry comment and I would like to retract my statement.

    These people are not bad. They just had one party, who cares. I got nervous that it was some club or something.

    Statement retracted.

  11. People, chill out. It was a soft opening party. I walk by there every day since they opened for business (a few days after their crazy but fun soft opening where they kindly offered me free sandwiches!).

    I had Pho there with my husband and the staff were really nice to us. It's actually very nice and mellow inside. Will definitely be going back.

    Chill out, everyone! People come to NYC to have fun! And also, the owner told me their soft opening party ended at 11pm on a Friday night! Come's not that bad.


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