Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tag, you're it, RCN Building

Back in November, Jeremiah reported that workers painted over the Chico murals on Avenue C's RCN building... And we wondered how long the building would remain tag free...

Turned out to be longer than I thought... EV Grieve contributor Bobby Williams noted the recent addition of two small tags...

Meanwhile, remember how the RCN spokesperson got huffy about Chico's mural, which was up there for two years? The spokesperson told DNAinfo: "The bottom line is the building had illegal graffiti on it and we cleaned it up — period."

Fine, fine... Funny, though, how they left the RCN logo with Chico's signature intact...



  1. wait a minute, so chico illegally advertised for RCN? on an RCN building? I always assumed Chico was this neighborhood guy who did everything under contract, the pet shop etc.. etc.. oh btw, I know this is shameless self-promotion, but check my blog out, I'm trying to transition over to video.

  2. Yeah, I understand that Chico was under contract to do this.... Dunno what the RCN spokesperson was talking about... Illegal? The murals were there for two years! Think they would have noticed!

  3. On another graffiti note;
    i noticed they cleaned up the Scharf mural on Houston.
    Maybe it was a while ago. I'm just coming out of my cave.


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