Thursday, March 3, 2011

At the Cooper Square Hotel, V is for....?

Just looking at the new art near the front of the Cooper Square Hotel...

Looks similar to the hotel's new restaurant/bar mascot at the Trilby... except for having normal-sized hands...

[Image via Eater]

(And is this Nick Walker's work? I left before taking a closer look at the signature...)


  1. @Lisa: Ding, ding, ding! I think that's the winning answer!

  2. @Marty - Thank you, thank you! (Altho it could also be for "Vomit Here"!)

  3. Wow, I'm mighty glad that I'm not an artist getting a commission around town atm. You guys sitting and bitching behind your keyboards are so unsupportive of anyone who's getting out and getting their work acknowledged. What IS your problem exactly? If you were actually talented enough to get a work commissioned I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate a bunch of strangers sitting around anonomously 'vomit'ing about your work online. Have a listen to yourselves, it's quite pathetic.

  4. @ Fair Go

    This post has nothing to do with the artist.

    This is all about the Cooper Square Hotel, public enemy No. 1 around here for many residents. They've disrupted so many lives for the privilege of renting small rooms to tourists for upwards of $400 a night. Now that's pathetic.

  5. I understand that, and anyone who pays $400 a night for a bed is an idiot. But your post and subsequent comments are still reflecting the commissioned artworks. Whether that's intentional or not is not the point, but it's certainly reading that way.

  6. @Fair Go - Please, buy a sense of humor, wouldja? Then re-read the comments and understand we were not even thinking about the artist, but more about the clientele this place attracts. *That's* who we're mocking, no one else.

    Jesus, you must be a blast at parties.

  7. Well said Fair Go! You can hate on the hotel without trashing the art.


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