Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Landlord: Gas has been restored at 97 E. Seventh St.

Anthony Zachariadis at management company TZM Realty just sent along this message to us. Management had promised to have the gas service restored today. I followed-up and asked Zachariadis if the residents will receive any kind of credit for the days in which they didn't have gas for cooking. (17 days total.) "I have been calling tenants all day to discuss that matter."



  1. Good for you the residents could invite you over for their first hot dinner after this and clink glasses "To Grieve!"

  2. Thanks, C Merry ... tho I had nothing to do with this... credit to the residents who came together...

  3. i'm just thankful to be alive! i'd rather have no gas for 17 days than a gas leak gone wrong... great excuse to order in! :)


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