Friday, April 15, 2011

No. 25,000

Last evening, EV Grieve passed a milestone that he or she wanted to mention... Marty Wombacher left the following comment... which also turned out to be the 25,000th comment in EV Grieve's history. (And we're so pleased that this historic comment included "penis.")

And it's also an opportunity for a sincere thank you for reading and continuing to take the time to offer your opinions and anecdotes and share your thoughts and experiences... To the next 25,000 comments then.


Laura Goggin Photography said...

I challenge Marty to make the very same 50,000th comment.

Melanie said...

Congrats EV Grieve--poetic justice.

esquared™ said...

did Marty win anything? cupcakes? an apron, or any of these? date with Chloe at a Knicks game? whole hog dinner at dbgb?

EV Grieve said...

Hmmm... if he got the whole hog dinner, then he'd have to eat it on the sidewalk cafe. By himself.

esquared™ said...

i'd like to see marty eat that whole hog by himself on the sidewalk cafe...when the tables aren't out...

Lisa said...

Marty! Way to go, baby! Congratulations!

Laura Goggin Photography said...

I'd pitch in a can of Cobra to see that.

Lisa said...

Eh, left my comment before realizing that the 25,000th post was something he was writing in response to one of mine. That makes it even more special, and I am SO glad to have had a penis - er, hand - in helping Marty to attain this fantastic goal!

Marty Wombacher said...

I'm having a horrible day here at work (I have to work over twelve hours today and my moronic bosses have this crazy-ass rule that you can't drink alcohol here!) and this totally made my day! And yes, without Lisa I wouldn't have gotten it! And of course it wouldn't have happened without the lovely photo of that dog and the Penisman. Life is good sometimes! And I don't know about the whole hog thing, but there will be pizza at the Mars Bar on Easter again! To all of you and to EV Grieve! Now I have to go back to work.

Lisa said...

Can you imagine how thrilling this whole thing would have been had Anonymous been the winner?!?

Roger_Paw said...

Yay, congrats Marty! Here's to hoping the ICTTS finally tells you what the grand prize for late-season Christmas tree tossing is.

Julio said...

Congrats on the 25,000 post. :) To think that I could have probably been the one that made the historic comment.

onemorefoldedsunset said...

Congrats to EV Grieve & to Marty!

Melanie said...

I think Marty should receive a gift from Ray's--either a free egg cream or maybe even a tee shirt with 2 free food choices.

Mr. Mister said...


T.E.V.B. said...

Congrats, EVG, and congrats, regular commenters!