Thursday, April 14, 2011

Personal Affairs closing on Seventh Street

Personal Affairs, the German-based boutique on Seventh Street between Avenue A and First Avenue, is closing after 11 years. Paper & String reports that the closing could come as early as Sunday.

And the tough times continue for vintage clothing stores and boutiques...

Previously on EV Grieve:
East Village vintage stores doomed?

More vintage doom: Beauty Crisis is closing

Other closings:

The song remains the same: Physical Graffiti latest thrift store to shutter

Atomic Passion has closed

Monk Thrift Shop on Avenue B

Atomic Passion on Ninth Street

O Mistress Mine on 11th Street

Andy's Chee-Pees on St. Mark's Place

Fab 208 is moving into a smaller space on Seventh Street

[Image via]


  1. This last Saturday I shopped at the new consignment store "Eleven" on 11th & A. They replaced the fabric store that had been there for ages. EV Grieve reported on them when they were about to open.

    They had a great selection! I bought four tops. I plan to go back again and again. Please let's keep our neighborhood non-frat places in business!

  2. Ergh, mistake. Eleven is on 11th & 1st.

  3. @Roger_Paw

    Someone told me that Eleven is pretty generous with buying clothes too... less tsk-tsking than Buffalo Exchange, etc.

  4. Yeah! The guy working there was super nice and a couple of people asked if they bought clothes too and he said yes, on week days, and gave the customers the store's business card. It all seemed very open and smooth. No hassle. No attitude.

    I'll definitely stop by with my nice quality stuff like Alberto Makali tops and the like. The store's clothes quality is very good but I don't want to praise them too much or else peeps may buy stuff before I get a chance to see it! ;-p

  5. No Mention of Outlet 7 closing on 7th as well?? Another retail store shuttered. I spoke to the owner of Outlet 7 a few times, very nice lady. Sad to see her business go!


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