Thursday, May 19, 2011

City approves Mars Bar demolition permit

We've been waiting for this one... The demolition permits to take down the building housing the Mars Bar are now on file, reports Off the Grid, the blog of the Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation.

The city approved them Monday.

So with this, Ray's temporary closure and the current demolition of 35 Cooper Square ... we've had better days.

Via Neighborhoodr.


  1. Coming soon to 25 E 1st St: a bar and/or restaurant with 0 violation points from the DOH. Exciting!

  2. Still no date? I suppose it will just close up without notice, like everything else. Sigh...

  3. Oh well, the world's going down Saturday anyway. #WelcomeBackJesus

  4. So here's my question: If they demolition Mars Bar - provided of course a couple of bottles are lined up - how would one tell?

    - Old EV Denizen


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