Thursday, May 19, 2011

EV Grieve Etc: Mourning Edition

[Photo by Stephen Popkin]

Rock 'N' Roll High School director talks the Ramones (Village Voice)

Plans for the BP station on Houston and Lafayette (BoweryBoogie)

Why there's Twitter trouble at Stuy Town Lux Living (Lux Living)

Ghost sign vanishes in Chelsea (Jeremiah's Vanishing NY)

"Ghostbusters" firehouse in danger of closing (Runnin' Scared)

More on the Bluebird switcheroo on East First Street (Serious Eats)

History of the Perp Walk (City Room)

NYC's anti-spitting law, circa 1896 (Ephemeral New York)


  1. "They" really need to introduce a no snotting or spitting campaign. A pal was in town visiting and he clammed on the subway platform and was surprised when I freaked out on him. At least spit in the gutter - isn't it common sense you dont' want to track that crap into your home?

  2. "clammed"? BLEURGH!!! :-/ Hadn't heard that one before. Dry body heave ensues..

  3. an anti-woooooing law circa now would be great. triple the penalty and fine after 11pm.

  4. Grieve! You really should include the article on you in Fork in the Road. It's a great read!

    EV Grieve Reflects on the Lessons of CB3 Meetings, Superdive, and the East Village as a "Foodie Tourist Trap"

  5. Thanks, anon! I'm not so good at posting stuff like this...

  6. Excellent interview, Grieve, you made more salient points than I could count, and you did not sound like a crazed NIMBY asshole, but instead a rational, thoughtful guy. Congrats!

  7. you said it all.


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