Wednesday, May 18, 2011

For your rainy evening commute

EV Grieve International Jet Sports Boating Association correspondent Bobby Williams took this shot the other day on 10th Street near Avenue C. And yes, this is Mayor Bloomberg's first public jet-ski-sharing program that will encourage commuters to rent jet skis for 30-minute intervals in a zone south of midtown Manhattan and some surrounding neighborhoods when it's raining. Largely geared at those running errands or with short commutes, the jet-ski share proposes allowing renters to pick up jet skis from one location, and drop them off at another, with stations located every few blocks.


  1. as long as bloomberg also provides for a jet ski lanes, then i'm in. where do i sign up?

  2. Yeah, I’ll wave run in the East River. If feces fly. Oh, I forgot, if I do so, they will. Seriously, I have seen waver runners going about their business plenty of times in the East River. E coli and heavy toxic metals anyone?

  3. I'd be into this.

    Actually thought about garaging one of these at the east river marina in case of another terrorist attack.

  4. What a funny coincidence. I waterskied on the back of an M-15 bus today!


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