Friday, May 6, 2011

In Extra Place, no hoop for you!

Oh, crap. So much for my little hoops obsession in Extra Place...


And right after that!

And now!

[Bobby Williams]

The hoop is gone.

So who was the killjoy?


  1. Great. Now the Extra Place kids will be back to sex, drugs, and drag racing.

  2. Probably the building owner. even the most clueless idiot landlord could see from a mile a way that the hoop was just trouble waiting to happen.

  3. "So who was the killjoy?

    Nearly everyone that comments on this blog from what I've seen.

  4. Hardly a killjoy. Not to sound like a cranky pants, but the hoop was illegal. FDNY probably took it down. Fire escapes are there as a method of egress from a fire. I'd be pretty ticked off if I was trying to escape my building's fire and got tripped up and hurt because of some basketball net of all things. There are plenty of parks or gyms to play ball at where you aren't unwittingly contributing to the risk of someone DYING.

  5. And my point is proven.


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