Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 7, 8; ICTTS convenes emergency session — MacDougal cites 'historic' weekend

An incredible 24 hours or so hereabouts... Last night, EV Grieve reader Riian sends the following from Second Avenue and East Third Street — featuring a noteworthy assist by a hand.

Meanwhile, apparently Christmastown was closing up on Broadway and Fourth Street today. First, this shot from EV Grieve reader BH, who took time for a victory lap of sorts. "Today, baby! That's right! BOOYA!! ICTTS don't like it they can kiss my ass!!"

Why I never!

Regardless, this pile was verified. @sandwichboarder sent this photo from the same location...

Upon learning of this load of Christmas trees, Gruber MacDougal, spokesperson for the International Coalition of Tree Tossing in the Spring (ICTTS), immediately left Aman-i-Khás, a lodge located outside Ranthambhore in the Indian state of Rajasthan where he was on holiday with his mother. He is expected to make a statement upon landing at JFK tomorrow night.


  1. Ahem! I'm sorry but I think the pile of Christmas trees should be disqualified as they probably came from a business and not from a home.

    However, I guess I have to give my brief reign over to BH. Sigh. My victorious feeling when I found a tree on May 1st is as brittle and disintegrated as the pine needles on its branches. :*-(

  2. Oops, did I accidentally write that I was giving my tiara to BH? Sorry about that, I meant to Riian.

  3. A motherlode of trees on Mother's Day! I don't think that the Christmastown entry should be disqualified, I never saw any ruling that stated it had to be a residential tree. However I will say that throwing out the word, "BOOYA" all in capital letters is a tad cocky, but I'm not judging. And when is the Goggla information coming out? And happy Mother's Day to Gruber MacDougal, the biggest mother in the land!

  4. BH? More like Biatch!

    No timestamp, no tikky.

  5. The tree on East 3rd and 2nd Ave should be disqualified. Although it's hard to tell from that picture, it's actually a potted cedar tree, and entirely inappropriate for a christmas tree. I walked by it on Saturday afternoon.

  6. I don't understand the resentment toward Gruber.

  7. @EV Grieve: Let's see: He's embezzled ICTTS funds and prize money, he refuses to tell what the grand prize is going to be, he won't say when this contest is going to end and to top it all off...he eats shit! Maybe I'm just a little too sensitive and thin-skinned (I am NOT slim-armed though), but what's not to resent?

  8. @Marty.

    Oh, great! I accidentally approved your libelous comment. And, within minutes, I hear from the ICTTS lawyers. Looks like the ICTTS will try to shut me down any way possible — from serving minors and allowing unlicensed dancing. Hope you're pleased with yourself!

  9. @EV Grieve: Just goes to show what a genuine son of a bitch Gruber MacDougal is! I'm not pleased that you may be shut down, but I am pleased that my point is proven. All I can offer is this, my friend: 1-800-LAYWER.

  10. Both of these finds should be disqualified.

    1. Riian's: As Bryce said, it's not a cut Christmas tree. Instead, it's a potted ceder tree. I ran into a similar one on 14th St near the Peter Stuyvesant P.O. I took pictures and was going to submit them, but a passerby informed me of my mistake.

    2. BH's: As Roger Paw said, this pile of trees should be disqualified because it's clearly from a business and not a home. Morever, no one other than a lying real estate broker call 4th St west of Broadway the East Village.

    Roger Paw is still the leader.

  11. Found a tree today. Will Gruber speak?

  12. @Tom: I'm not 100% positive on this, but I don't think the trees have to be exclusively in the East Village. I may be wrong, but good luck getting an answer from that son of a bitch, Gruber MacDougal. He's about as talkative as Marcel Marceau on quaaludes.

  13. Yeah, the location business is very ambiguous isn't it? My early trees were approved by Mr. M., but he's gotten very evasive, or even sadistic, of late. He hasn't got an ounce of kindness in him.

  14. Marcel Marceau on Quaaludes - now there's a mental image I can't shake!

  15. @EVGrieve Wow. Did you ever think that the ICTTS would be so huge? I have always loved your work, but this has really gotten BIG! BTW, I've still got my pumpkin from last year. Is there an International How Long can you keep a pumpkin program? Thanks, Pedro


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