Friday, June 3, 2011

2 views of Tompkins Square Park — from 1936 and 1942

Well, with the attention on Tompkins Square Park this weekend... here are some archival photos via the Parks & Recreation website.


Looking southeast on Jan. 14, 1936... with St. Brigid's in the background...


Looking northwest from Seventh Street and Avenue B, July 29, 1942

If you look closely on the bottom right of the photo, then you can see someone tagging "yuppies go home" on the entrance way...


  1. Tompkins Square Park of the early 1960s appears in my novella "Variety, the Spice of Life" quite a few times as the characters make their way from Avenue B to the Variety Theater on 13th Street and 3rd Avenue walking up St Marks Place. Available from eXtasy Books or Amazon

  2. i love old pix of the hood too. it is cool to see how much bigger those trees have gotten in the SE corner corridor...


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