Friday, June 3, 2011

An idea for Tompkins Square Park circa 1879

Continuing along... via the Parks & Recreation website, here is a rendering from 1879 of a music pavilion for the Park.

And what the bandshell, built in 1966, looked like at the time of its demolition in 1991.

[Bandshell photos via Flickr]


  1. That original design would have been beautiful. It's never too late! Maybe something along those lines can still be built.

    Reminiscent of the old subway stations, such as the remaining one on Astor Place, which are far more beautiful than the totalitarian-utilitarian styles which replaced them and now announce the ugliness of the subway system through the ugliness of its entrances.

    Let's have more beauty in this city.

    - East Villager

  2. that bandshell was quite stinky by the time it was demolished


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