Thursday, June 2, 2011

Is this the beginning of an Avenue A food-truck invasion this summer?

We were having an email conversation with Dave on 7th last evening. He asked if we saw the Go Burger food truck on Avenue A near Ninth Street. Why, yes — we even took a photo...

Per Dave, "With all this talk about these new-fangled food trucks everywhere ... this is the first one I've seen east of Second Avenue except for the Big Gay Ice Cream Truck a couple of times. Could just be the beginning."

True. We can only really recall seeing Mister Softee on Avenues A-D.

Meanwhile, Bobby Williams took shots of the DessertTruck on A near Seventh Street on Tuesday evening...

In any event, I kind of thought that the food truck revolution had somehow bypassed this part of the East Village. But there doesn't seem to be any stopping the food truckers. Maybe just $5-a-gallon gas?

Photo of Luke's Lobster truck refilling on Seventh Street...


  1. Last evening I saw the dumpling truck parked *inside* Stuy Town near the oval.

  2. I saw Lukes Lobster up on 48 and park (or so) a few weeks back during lunch time. The line was probably 50 people least.

  3. Quick! Call Susan Stetzer! She'll make sure these bastards can't make a living here!

  4. Goburger parks outside of the park a lot, I've noticed.

  5. Oh, there are a whole mess of trucks at Astor Place by St Marks. That's kinda East Village?

  6. I've often wondered what Mister Softee's first name is. Also, I wonder if he has a permanent brain-freeze ice cream headache from that ice cream head of his.

  7. "I've often wondered what Mister Softee's first name is"


    "Greg, honey, is it supposed to be this soft?"

  8. @Crazy Eddie: Ha ha ha! Great Animal House reference!

  9. FUCK Food TRucks! Why the fuck do we need gas and diesel spewing transient food carts competing with local merchants who pay rent, real estate taxes, spend a fortune in marketing & advertising to promote and develop customer traffic, only to have these unwanted, unnecessary parasites pull up and park in front of established businesses and help bleed them dry. FUCK food trucks.

  10. It's not about food trucks. It's about trendy, sheep and money.

  11. Trendy sheep? uh... no. It's about the option of getting something to eat other than pizza or fries that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

    Ever think of that?


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