Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A suspicious cooler?

A reader, Emily, came across this unattended parcel on 10th Street between First Avenue and Second Avenue... and decided that it looked rather suspicious... so Emily called 311, whose operator then called 911... And a response team is on the way...


  1. It sounds as though Emily had the same experience I did when I came across an unattended guitar case left on the corner across from my apartment.
    311 operators apparently have to get you to say the phrase "yes, I would deem it suspicious" (or similar).
    It's a bit ridiculous. The reason you make the 311 call is it isn't off enough to warrant the 911, but c'mon 311, can't we get a better method here?

  2. silly Nazi forgetting their cooler

  3. I'd say the book is what arouses my suspicion.

  4. A cooler with a Nazi book on it. Is anybody else thinking what I'm thinking? Hoooogan!

  5. megan fox slumming in the east village?

  6. It's the object on top of the cooler that gives me the willies. I'm referring to the bag of Sun Chips, of course.

  7. Nice cooler. I like coolers. I also like thermoses.

  8. Well, they finally found Hitler's brain. About time! Oh, those silly SS pranksters...

  9. Pretty sure that's an old copy of the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

  10. Hitler... there was a cooler! He could chill two six packs of Becks in ONE afternoon! TWENTYFOUR oz. size!

  11. MMMnn. Apple Shtrudel!!

  12. too funny. i live next to this building with the wooden trashbin holder, and this is a very common place for people to leave things they don't want anymore, so other people can take them. i'm sure this is what it ended up being. what did the police find in the cooler?

  13. I never did hear about any follow-up on this...

  14. @anon 1:10

    Gwyneth Paltrow's head I hope! That's the kind of GOOP I want to see!


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