Saturday, June 11, 2011

Today in photos of people who ran 2.25 miles and ate 3 slices of pizza

Our friend Melanie Neichin at East Village Corner sent along a few shots from earlier today ... from the second annual NYC Pizza Run at Tompkins Square Park...


  1. I am such a huge fan of tube socks - it brings me straight and immediately back to the happy days of camp in the '70's before it cost $1000/week to get your kids out of the city for a summer, and even mid-lower income families like mine could afford the full 2 months. A huge regret that I couldn't send my son - but now that kids only go for 1 or 2 weeks I'm not sure the experience is the same anyways.

    I am glad tube socks are making a comeback (or is she wearing 35 year old socks?) I am going to the sock man now to see if I can get me a pair.

  2. people need to get a life.


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