Wednesday, July 13, 2011

EV Grieve Etc.: Mourning Edition

Part of the old Ratner's revealed at Met Foods (Jeremiah's Vanishing New York)

Black-and-white photos of the Second Line parade for dba's Ray Deter (Neither More Nor Less)

Some of Charles Cushman's NYC color photos from the 1940s (Stupefaction)

A death in Tompkins Square Park Monday afternoon? (BoweryBoogie)

NYC to get more Midwestern with arrival of first Steak 'n Shake (Eater)

Celebrating the summer with live music (The Village Voice)

And now the Strokes with their new ad for Dramamine® ...


  1. c'mon nyc! screw the steak-n-shake (though their chili spaghetti is yummy) bring in the Chik-fil-a!! I beg of you!

  2. There already is a Chik Fil A in the neighborhood

    It's in an NYU dorm but you can walk right in to the food court even though you aren't a student.

    5 University Pl
    Ste 11
    between N Washington Sq & Waverly Pl


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