Friday, July 15, 2011

Innocent East Village neighborhood invaded by sin, lousy ad slogans

I'm sorry to interrupt your summer Friday to let you know that there is pornography and sin among us. Sin! Not to mention lousy advertising slogans. So once again, it's time to rally the troops to protest this, this... this.

[Last photo by Dave on 7th]

A petition will be circulating shorty about something or another.

Previously on EV Grieve:
Other East Village signs someone can take issue with


  1. Outrageous! Signs in neighborhood should be 99 44/100s % pure. Thank you.

  2. i like Ben's Pot Cheese. But just think, some copywriter was paid hefty bucks for the rest of this crap.

  3. Relax, the pot cheese can be considered medicinal.

  4. well as long as they're artisanal.

    and bloomberg better not be reading this blog, or else he will put an ad lanes in the ev, and disnefy this blog

  5. Don't you DARE remove the Lichi ad!

  6. Is it getting hot in here or is that just the effects of the pot cheese?

  7. Love all the ads. Makes the sides of buildings, roofs & etc much nicer looking.

  8. The new laboratorio del gelato has a sign that reads "Pull Hard III With a Vengeance."


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