Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Truck from Ladder Company 3 in the East Village returns to ground zero

This afternoon, a fire truck from Ladder Company 3 on East 13th Street used during the World Trade Center evacuation after the Sept. 11 attacks returned to ground zero, the Associated Press reported.

Workers lowered the truck into exhibition space for the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. Twelve firefighters from the East Village-based firehouse were killed when the towers collapsed.

Read more here.

Ladder Company 3 photo via.


  1. Was the truck irreparably damaged on 9/11? If not, can we really afford to be giving fire trucks away?

  2. Freedom is not FREE ... Many HEROES will shine on we do not forget

  3. @anon 11:45pm - that is a disgusting comment, go back to NJ

  4. 9:09 - why is that a disgusting comment? Seems like a valid question especially as we're all gonna get tagged $20 to have a looksie at the celebration.

  5. Per the AP story:

    "The cab of the truck was destroyed in the towers’ collapse and its main body and ladders were damaged and contaminated."

  6. This question shows us how quickly we forget the events that shape our lives. It also dishonors the sacrifice of many brave men. For the record, the truck was destroyed. Google the question and you will find the image. The twelve men from Ladder 3 who rode the truck that morning died when the towers collapsed. The inclusion of the Ladder 3 truck in the museum is a very fitting tribute to the courage for the firefighters who refused to leave the buildings because they were tending to the wounded.

  7. yes, let us not forget that many men and women were murdered on 9/11 - and for a short time new yorkers behaved like true new yorkers.
    but let's also not forget everyone that has taken advantage of this - the folks with fake damage to their apartments, or even fake family members hurt or killed on 9/11.
    and the constant bickering between the "hero families", the elected officials, the media, the fire department/the police department, etc. etc.
    not everyone was a hero on 9/11 (or before or after) unless you define a hero as a person that went to work that day.
    folks with family members that were killed will never forget what happened. nor will the survivors that worked there. and yes, let us celebrate the heroism of those that were actually heroes.
    but enough of this knee-jerk pretend patriotism, elected officials jockeying for front page space, talking-heads competing for on-air time, tv shows using or commemorating 9/11 for their advertisers, memorial plastic and ceramic garbage, the millions of t-shirts, etc., etc.
    money money money money!
    those that speak the loudest have the least to say.


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