Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bar Carrera closes, Bar Veloce expands

This may be old news for some of you... In any event, I meant to note this... Bar Carrera closed on Second Avenue between 11th Street and 12th Street (they still have a location on West Houston)... Meanwhile, their neighbor (and sibling), Bar Veloce, has expanded into the Bar Carrera space... Oh, and Veloce Pizzeria moved from First Avenue to Midtown. And the Veloce folks may or may not have something new cooking for this space. Got all that?

[Source: Bar Carrera closing via Zagat; Bar Veloce expanding via Neighborhoodr]


  1. We need more artisanal pizza places on First Avenue. First one with a $ 7.00 slice wins.

  2. bar veloce opened in '00. so jealous its expanded!!!


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