Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First look at the opening night party for the BMW Guggenheim Lab thing

So, here we are at the Opening Night Party ... I wasn't invited... but jdx was there, and he shared these photos...

It opens tomorrow to the public. At 1 p.m.

Previously on EV Grieve:
The Guggenheim wants our rat-infested First Street lot

Residents pitching in to help refurbish First Street garden

Designs for urban life apparently don't include trees


  1. not a single brown person in the bunch.

  2. True. The photos don't make it look as if it was a very diverse crowd.

  3. More like a suburban think tank! LOL!

  4. so, that's what street-smart attire looks like...looks like a finance douchebags meets fashion scary sadshaws or any other after work mixer. and looks like that lot is still rat-infested...


  5. "Street-smart attire"

    A Ruby shirt?

  6. gee, all the people we love to hate in the same place at the same time.
    it's just what this neighborhood has been missing: a crew of properly dressed mindless folks crowded into a fenced-in area. i hope none of our taxes went for this project.
    fortunately for those in attendance the weather cooperated.
    i didn't see any chairs there. comfort does not seem to be a requirement for this event.

  7. Give me a break. Besides the fact there are no "brown" people, it's a pretty diverse crowd. Barely any finance douchebags unless you count all of the gray-haired frat grandpas and sorority grandmas.

  8. I can't believe how angry this stupid project makes me. Here's a sentence from Gothamist:
    "The ground is painted as a chessboard; five large transparent cases containing tokens symbolize various aspects of daily urban life: Wealth, Mobility, Sustainability, Livability and Affordability."
    Let's hope for some rat action!

  9. Looks like they closed down the the corner Mars Bar riff raff just in time! God save the Queen!

  10. I tuned in late. I'm guessing these a-holes found a new way to destroy the neighborhood with corporate funding? Wait. That's the old way.

  11. onemorefoldedsunset, note how the word "creativity" has been left off that list.

  12. FWIW,
    Gothamist does have photo documentation of a brown person and chairs. I like how the pale person in shorts is pointing at the camera like see, smile for the camers, brown person.


    Whatever, I dont know what I find more humorous, this project, or the reaction to this project. But keep it up, its good to drink my coffee to.

  13. who cares that this is here in what was once an empty lot? honestly.

  14. "It opens tomorrow to the public. At 1 p.m."

    Thanks for the warning. I'll be sure to stay far away.

  15. And the empty lot was better.

  16. Tell that girl wearing sunglasses in the third picture down to call me. She's cute.

  17. There were a lot of Wall Street douchebags and Fashionistas wannabes over there. Not a lot of minorities. They have really thought that over to exclude them. Nice to be insulated by money and whiteness.

  18. Here's my forward thinking solutions for "Urban Life".

    1. affordable housing (novel, I know)
    2. a f*cking subway system that works. (that also doesn't get my tax money unless I get to ride it for free...fair is fair)
    3. no more stupid rules about dancing.
    4. Less stupid billboards and ads everywhere, the only difference between them and graffiti is that graffiti is free and more creative.

    Finally, 5. Create an a fake version of NYC somewhere else...like in Kansas...for these lame-o carrie bradshaw wannabes to stuff themselves silly with cupcakes at and barf on the sidewalks of with their lame banker boyfriends.

  19. @Anon 2:18

    I don't get what the la is either.... and I've even watched the video!

  20. The caption under the sparkly-eyed guy in the third photo should read, "I like bugs" or, "I like buttons" or something else as dumb.

  21. Greetings from Puerto Rico. This is from your May/11 post:
    ”Unfortunately, a resident who lives adjacent to the lot wrote me to say: Just to let you know the Guggenheim project next door to my place plans to chop down a 60-foot tree [this] morning”.

    I’m just wandering if the tree survived.


  22. How likely is it that any of that bunch thinks of themselves as a "worker"? Part of a "professional class", for sure, but "worker", I doubt it. No identification whatsoever with the working class. Joke's on them.


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