Friday, August 26, 2011

The line that you were waiting to see at Trader Joe's

Well, we heard about the lines at Trader Joe's all day... now EV Grieve reader DC sends along the shot that shows just how stupid long that the line got this evening...

And from EV Grieve reader Joe... a shot of the line waiting for the wine store....

And another angle later from Lauren...


  1. Trader Joe's is the only place in the area that sells water and canned food, so it makes sense.

  2. Nice apt DC how much you pay for that???

  3. i walked into the kmart just to take a look. then went to whole foods to actually buy a few items.

    At whole foods, i noticed the small basket line snaked around the hot buffet islands twice before entering the express line area. it wasn't that bad.

    then i walked past trader joes just to take a look, they had a line going into the wine store and the line to get into the trader joes grocery story was twice as big.

    btw, if you want water and canned goods, just go any store or supermarket, i just don't know why people want to flock to kmart, and trader joes in particular.

  4. trader joes is part of an NYU education. the longer the line the more important the store is.
    it takes a college degree to learn these things.

  5. People do know it's just going to be one day, right? And I don't get the water paranoia, are they too good to drink boiled urine? Sheesh!

  6. Remember the movie “The Road’. I hear NYU students are quite tasty.

  7. NYers used to be defined by their unwillingness to stand in lines like these. I just hope Jeremy was being ironic with his post.

  8. lemmings and drones. yawn. don't these idiots have anything better to do before they get on the L train ?

  9. Anonymous 11:40, I'm so proud of you for picking up on that.

    Can you guess if I'm being "ironic"?

  10. These sheep-like idiots have brought suburbia with them here instead of leaving it to come and be a part of NYC. Chainstores suck and were never part of the NYC landscape. If you want to be in suburbia that bad, go back and leave us alone.

  11. It's a one-day storm. What's the urgency to go grocery shopping and buy out the store?
    Please explain.
    - East Villager


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